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We are building a home for people with disabilities

June 17, 2023, 23:25 367 Author: Albert Pavlov The extension will allow 4 more people to move from the psycho-neurological institution to a comfortable home.

We are building a home for people with disabilities

While putin and his barbarians are destroying Ukraine, we continue to build. Now we are starting a project in which everyone can contribute "his brick". Our goal is to complete a home for people with disabilities in the Ivano-Frnkiv region, in the village of Obertyn. Currently, 3 people live in "Oselya Viry, Nadii and Liyubovi", but in the extension there will be 2 more bedrooms, bathrooms, an entrance hall, which will allow to accept 4 more people with disabilities.

We are building a home for people with disabilities

Let me remind you that as a result of the war, dozens of psycho-neurological institutions (PNI) in the east and south of Ukraine were destroyed or remained in the occupied territory. Thousands of inhabitants were evacuated to psycho-neurological institutions in safer areas. As a result, almost all the PNI of Ukraine, in which even before the war there was not enough living space, are now very overcrowded.

In addition, "Oselya" is not a boarding school, but a house of supported living in which people with disabilities can live in the middle of the community in comfortable conditions. Such houses, instead of psycho-neurological institutions, exist in most developed countries. It is here that people with disabilities can live "at home", have personal space, opportunities to realize their abilities.

We are building a home for people with disabilities

The house already has a foundation. Now we have the task of collecting the necessary amount for the purchase of gas blocks and other materials for the construction of walls. This requires about $ 6 775. But the cost of one brick (gas block) is only about or $ 5. So everyone has a chance to get involved and have their brick (or several!) in this important project.

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We are building a home for people with disabilities

We are building a home for people with disabilities